Home ยป Loving My Skin: Part 1

Loving My Skin: Part 1

Left: before two treatments and product use, right: after.

Earlier this year I was invited to become an ambassador for Clinica Lase, a local skin-care and beauty clinic. I was already a client of theirs at the time so to take the opportunity to explore the full range of the skin treatments available was really exciting for me, particularly as I was already considering having one of their skin consultations. Looking back now I’m impressed with how much my understanding of skin treatment and skin care has changed in the four treatments since I began my journey with them. I was seeing a dermatologist for niggling issues with breakouts, rashes and redness when I had my first consultation.

The most critical change in my understanding of skin care is that everything I have ever used in the past would be better classified as a cosmetic. I had been through the cleansers, toners and moisturisers of the department store shelves. I’d had hordes of them in my bathroom cupboards. Most recently before going to Clinica Lase, I had refined myself down to an Aesop cleanser and moisturiser, both of which were the greatest quality I’d found and had my skin at the best level I’d had it in a long time. Then I had my first skin consultation.

The session began with a look at my skin up close from all angles using the Clinica Lase Visia machine. It looks at the skin in many different ways to help assess things like pigmentation, redness, dryness, brightness, wrinkles, oiliness and so on. It’s the foundation of where they began and a thorough understanding of my skin, in detail, as honest as we could be. This was brilliant and showed just how completely normal and common my skin was. My biggest concerns with my skin were, as they always had been, pigmentation from sun damage, dryness and redness. I didn’t even know if all of these were possible to be targeted. Turns out they are.

Left: my redness before treatment program, right: redness after two treatments and product use

The first thing they did was to put me on a new skin-care routine. This is where the drastic changes began. Skin care products at Clinica Lase aren’t suggested or recommended, they are prescribed. They are high impact products that you don’t get over the counter. They made me feel like everything I’d used in the past was a toy compared. The difference to the surface of my skin was immediate.

They put me onto-

This cleanser

This skin brightener

A redness reducer

And a daily hydration moisturiser

Previously my skin had always been some level of dry, causing my skin to panic-produce oil on my forehead, chin and nose. This cleared up really quickly, followed by the texture of the gunk in my pores changing. It went from oily and goopy to a reduced, easy to clear composition, which also then reduced the size of my pores. Just like that. And that was before I began any of the laser treatments.

Left: Skin pigmentation before use of products and two lactic peels and right: after

In conjunction with my routine, they gave me lactic peels followed by laser genesis. I was really scared about the laser, but it turned out it’s just like a warm light and gradually heats your skin and is quite relaxing in winter. After each treatment, I’d find the problem areas that I’d seen a dermatologist for would have a breakout, clear and then be much improved. Each time, the break out would significantly clear and improve the skin in the area until finally after a fourth treatment my skin had no more rubbish to detox. The surface of the skin became smoother, the colour clearer, the dark pigments spots reduced and the redness drastically changed. I could get out of a hot shower, off a treadmill or wipe my cheeks after an ugly cry and have no redness at all. It has been mind-blowing seeing the difference. It’s like I have someone else’s face.

So for me, going forward, if I ever need skin care products again, I’ll absolutely be going there to get products that actually do things for my face, instead of just doing things for my fears.

Find out more about Clinica Lase here.

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