Home ยป A Birthday at the Tram Museum

A Birthday at the Tram Museum

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

Ballarat has long history with trams. Trams used to run all over the city, but now they are a wonderful novelty at the Ballarat Tramway Museum, including a newly renovated restaurant tram which I hired for my birthday this year.

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

I had originally intended for my birthday party to be a picnic, but as weekends got away from me, autumn turned to winter and picnic became a ridiculous idea. Then I remember the restaurant tram and asked the team about having a ‘picnic’ on there. I would book out the tram, my guests would bring what they wanted to eat and drink and we spent a merry 2 hours on the tram tracks around the lake in the warm carriage. The team at the Tram Museum thought this was a great idea so we booked a date.

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

The price of hire was affordable. I got to pick my own music, played from my iPod. We had 24 people on the tram and everyone was given complimentary barrister made tea and coffee. My friend James made and impromptu speech which was followed by everyone singing Happy Birthday. It was done in my usual family tradition where everyone picks a tune and sings with gusto (a bit like the Hogwarts school anthem). Someone even sang it in Swedish. It was magnificently chaotic and terrible and wonderful. I loved it!

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

I had beautiful friends travel from Melbourne, ladies in great dresses and hats, gents in 3 piece suits; it really was a wonderful evening. Thank you so much to all that made it! (And to those that didn’t, thanks for the birthday wishes).

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

Top: Cotton On

Skirt: c/o Mokkafiveoclock on Etsy (I’ve blogged this also here and here)

Scarf: vintage

Photos: me and Goldfields Girl

Location: Ballarat Tramway Museum

P.S. I’ve started a new band called Liana and the Petite Mort. We’ve been talking with the Tramway Museum about a possible jazz tram when the weather gets finer. So like us on Facebook if you want to come along!

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram

@findingfemme Ballarat birthday party on the restaurant tram


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